February 23, 2014

"...Fathers are to preside... in love and righteousness..." ~ The Family: A Proclamation to the World

I'm sitting here next to my beautiful wife and my tiny son, and I was just reflecting on what it is like to be a father. If you are one, you have probably thought about what I have, and you will most likely know what I am talking about. For those that aren't fathers, let me explain. 

When I married my wife I was sure that I knew what love was. I wanted her to be happy, taken care of, and safe. I feel of her love everyday, and I am so grateful to have such a companion in my life. 

But when my son was born, that is when I truly started to know love. This little one cannot express his feelings. He cannot say, "I love you" (yet). He cannot explain why he is crying. He can simply cry. This can be a little frustrating at times, simply because I don't know the answer until after trying the usual things (patting his back to burp him, checking his diaper, helping my wife feed him, or just rocking him to sleep). There have been some times that when my wife and I are trying to calm him down we say, "We/I can't wait until you can talk, then you can tell us exactly what's wrong". 

Being a dad has also helped put my relationship with Heavenly Father into a greater perspective. Since I was small I would always sing a song titled I Am a Child of God. I always knew that I was a Child of God (literally) but I never really thought about what it was like to be a Father to so many spiritual children. 

There have been times where when my son is crying that I think, "How many times have I just cried and prayed to Heavenly Father for help? And how many times has he come to my aid and helped me get through my trial?"

When my son is sick. "How many times have I been physically ill and thought I wasn't going to be comfortable again? How many times has Heavenly Father sent someone to give me a Priesthood blessing? Or sent me to the correct doctor for a solution?"

When my son is happy. "How many times have I been happy and just given thanks to Heavenly Father? For all that He gives me?"

These are just a few of the lessons that I have learned from being a dad. I know that I am going to learn so much more like:

  • Is this what Heavenly Father feels like when His children blame him for something that went wrong?
  • How can I help my child choose the right? (Notice the help part. He will never force us to make a decision)
  • How can I help my son live up to his potential that I see in him?
  • How can I lead my family in righteousness?
Along with so many other questions. How many times have we truly reflected on our relationship with our Heavenly Father?

Now, a word to those who are searching for a relationship or a stronger relationship with Heavenly Father or Almighty God:

There is nothing wrong with you. So many times when we feel like our relationship with Him is lacking it is because we might not be living the best that we can (please don't stop reading). I mention this only because I know that He is constantly reaching out to us. It is us that (figuratively) put him on hold. What ever your "hold-line" is, you can always pick up the phone and continue the connection again. 

But there are two "voices" that will come when we think about re-connecting. One will be Satan. He will tell you a couple of things, "You don't need him, you've thought through everything already"; "He doesn't want to talk to you"; "You aren't clean enough to talk to him"; "You can talk all you want but He won't be listening". These are all lies!

The other "voice" will be the Holy Ghost, encouraging you the whole time to continue to pray. He will provide comfort, relief, peace, or any other feeling that you have been lacking in. It is a little different to talk out loud when you might not see someone there, but I know that there have been so many times in my life that I am so grateful I said a prayer. I'm grateful that I was able to communicate my true feelings to my Father. 

I know that we are all Children of God, every single person. I know that He listens and guides us. I also know that no matter how imperfect we are in this life, that if we repent (truly repent) and keep His commandments, we will be able to live with Him once more. How wonderful will it be to get a hug from Our Father? Our Perfect Father. 

February 2, 2014

Personal Potentials, Mistakes, and the Only Way to Be Better

"Falling is what we mortals do. But as long as we are willing to rise up again and continue on the path toward the spiritual goals God has given us, we can learn something from failure and become better and happier as a result." -- PRESIDENT DIETER F. UCHTDORF

Yesterday we moved into a new apartment, and with that a new congregation for church. It's always a nervous feeling that you get when you move into a new ward (term for a congregation boundary). You never know if you will fit into the ward, or if you will have to force yourself to fit. 

As I sat in the chapel with the rest of the congregation a thought came to me... "Cleave, are you living up to your full potential? Are you being 100% Christlike every second of your life?" Of course the answer is no. But there isn't any reason to beat myself up about it. No being that was ever on this Earth was perfect, except for one: Jesus Christ.

Stop and think for a moment. The Son of God came down to Earth to obtain an imperfect body. He went through many trials to be an example for every single person on the Earth. He went around serving and performing miracles, all so that people would be able to recognize Him as the Savior. 

Now I am not saying that it's perfectly fine to be ok with making mistakes, it's just that we shouldn't beat ourselves up over them. How many times do we think that if we spill a bag of popcorn kernels on the floor that it's the end of the world? That we are klutzes and we aren't good for anything?! (Dramatization I know). My point is there are times where we just make ourselves feel so inadequate. Where we get into a downward spiral over a small problem. At least I do. There was something else that President Uchtdorf said in his talk ("You Can Do It Now", Oct 2013):

"...our destiny is not determined by the number of times we stumble but by the number of times we rise up, dust ourselves off, and move forward."

That is so true. I have been thinking about this a lot today. Why do we waste time thinking about how we could have done something better? Doesn't the Lord say that once we are forgiven that it isn't remembered anymore? Do we really have trust in that promise? Do we truly believe Christ and his words: (Paraphrased) That no matter what if we take the full advantage of the Atonement and do our best to follow the Savior's example, truly repenting when we make mistakes, that we will be able to return with Him and Heavenly Father again?

Please don't think that you, or anyone else is lost. Everyone has a chance to be able to feel love and confidence from above.

I am sitting here typing this with my 2.5 month old sleeping on my lap. I think of what he is going to be like in all aspects of life! There are so many things that I want to teach him, and help him with... but then I realize that because of where he is in life, I am going to have to slow down and wait for him to actually be able to say "Daddy" or "Mommy" until I can really start teaching. 

But most of all if I can teach him one thing in his life, it will be that the Atonement of the Savior is the only way of really being truly happy. Because it is, being clean of mistakes and sins is the best thing that has ever happened for all mankind.