Lately I have been reading from the book "Mans Search for Meaning" by Dr. Viktor Frankl. He was a survivor of the Concentration camps during WWII. Reading just a part of his book inspired me to enjoy my everyday life. I don't really have a problem knowing why I am here on Earth, but I know that sometimes it is difficult for me to be happy all of the time.
And I know that we are NOT supposed to be happy 100% of the time.... We are all supposed to have ups and downs, that is what makes us who we are. The ups, the downs everything that happens, happens for the best.
So! In my small attempt to blog (I think this is the first time in maybe 4 months). That is why I changed the name, so that I can remember to be happy!
There is more to come on this, I just had a little time left until I had to get ready to go to work. I'll try to be better about posting.