June 21, 2011

First One....

Well, just like every blogger (I think) I'm gonna start off with the awkward-ness of telling why I want to start one..... I have been talking to people recently about their blogs, and I have always said, "You know I should start one..." BUT I NEVER HAVE! I would like to think of it being more of a journal..... or a captain's log (for all you Trekkies out there :))

Life has been good. I have had a lot of wonderful experiences, and I am grateful for all the good (and bad) things that have happened. I have a wonderful family, parents and siblings that are always there supporting me. I don't think I'll ever be able to repay them for what they have given me. Though, I can't wait to give some bruises back to my older brothers ;)

I think a lot of my experiences that have formed who I am come from two periods of my life.

First, my adolescent years. I learned a lot about what I have in my life, and all the blessings that I have. I learned how to choose friends, and how my choices will affect what my future is. I don't think I was ever in the "popular" crowd, but I know that I was surrounded by wonderful people that cared. I felt so good around my friends, they always helped me to be better, to improve. I also had the opportunity to be among the greatest of scholars that not only taught me the required to pass a test, but to see my life, and to want to make it better.

Second. I spent the last two years (December 2008-December 2010) out of the country to help other's come unto the Savior Jesus Christ. Being out of the United States really changed my perspective on life. I was able to see other's the way that our Heavenly Father sees them. As one big family. It wasn't always that easy, mainly because of my pride, and little things that I take offense to. But during those years, I learned who I really am. I am a Son of God. Think of that, what a blessing we have; to have a Father who loves us all. He knows each and everyone of us. And He watches over us.

I have been home for the last six months. They have flown by..... It's very sobering to leave a completely different life style behind you to continue on the journey of life. And boy is it a journey! Ha ha! I have learned a lot, mainly about patience and that truly everything works out for the best. My Grandmother always said that when I was younger (and still does). "Everything happens for the best." I don't think I will ever forget those words; and I think that if I do, she'll haunt me in my sleep ha ha!

I'm not sure how this rates on first blogs... but then again.. I think it's awkward the first couple of times for everyone.

Never forget who you are.

1 comment:

  1. welcome to the blog world! I too am learning that everything hsppens for the best.
